Thursday 29 March 2007

The End of Days Scenario

Ahmadinejad has stated on Al-Jazeera that “As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map”. Some would argue that he is trying to indicate what a nuclear Iran’s intentions would be. When looking at such a scenario, some factors need to be taken into consideration. Israel is said to have had the bomb for more then 30 years with a stockpile of 100 to 200 warheads, some of which could already be pointed at Tehran. Even if Iran succeeded in launching a preemptive strike against Israeli land and air bases, there is still Israel's rumored 2nd strike capability from its German Dolphin class submarine force that needs to be taken into account. In addition to the possibility that Iran would face total destruction by the Israeli retaliation, its goal of liberating the Palestinians from Israel is absurd. This is due to the fact that geographically Israel is right next to Palestine, and a nuclear strike would have a devastating effect on both the Israeli and Palestinian population. Only a cornered, desperate, and insane leader would follow an Armageddon style scenario such as this, then again we are taking about a regime that sent children to clear minefields during the Iran-Iraq War.

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